GODLESS Interview (Hyderabad, India)

From Hyderabad, India emerge Godless, a new death metal force that's both powerful and stimulating. Featuring members of Skrypt, Shock Therapy, and Eccentric Pendulum, this is a new sound, a new sonic vision. None other than Joe Haley of Psycroptic (Australia) fame has mixed and mastered the album, in addition to doing a guest solo on this debut album which holds great promise. With unceasing momentum, a staccato delivery, and bucket-loads of power, 'Centuries of Decadence' is touted to be one of most notable albums to ever come out from the region. With an aesthetic that's dark and intriguing, Godless convey their message perfectly and go straight for the jugular, speaking out against the maladies that plague modern society. Their voice of dissent is tangible and they're here to unleash their brand of death metal upon the unsuspecting masses, fuelled by angst, purpose and an undying passion for extreme music. The era of Godless has only just begun.

Hello! No waste of good suffering is wanted, give us a penetrating introduction to GODLESS and don't hesitate to stuff it hard! It seems the musicians of GODLESS play or used to play in various other outfits before... Is the band supposed to be a new and totally fresh entity, or rather the continuation of another one that existed before?
Hey man. Thanks for getting in touch with us. All of us in Godless have been and are still a part of other bands. We started Godless to create music that's different from everything that we do separately. We aim at creating dark, heavy and intense music. The genre of the band is not something we decided on but something that just happen to be this way.

Congratulation for most notable Debut " Centuries of Decadence " … Pure madness with perfect, Unearthly production and There are a still lot of pieces of powerful and stimulating Death Metal the album. Now tell us about the concept and story behind this unceasing momentum. The Cool story behind new " Centuries of Decadence ". The story is cool and I mentioned several influences in my review. Let's talk about " Centuries of Decadence ".
Thanks for the kind words man. Since its our debut EP we were just looking at creating individual songs and finding a style that we find comfortable and we feel we've got the sound we were after on this record. Our vocalist Kaushal took the music and came up with separate stories that really capture the mood of the music. The first song Infest is about overpopulation and its effects on the world around us. The Ossuary lyrics are a metaphor for nefarious covert organizations within the governments of today. Replicant as the title suggests is inspired by the movie - Blade Runner. Oneiros speaks of the shaper of nightmares. This particular version has been inspired by Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.

The era of GODLESS has only just begun, What inspires you/the band now a days? What is your inspiration to create music, what is your drive?
We've just wanted to create powerful music that's crushingly heavy. We've only just started but have a lot of plans with the band. With the album release around the corner we're aiming at touring around the country and spreading our music around. We're all playing live and creating a powerful aural/visual experience.

I wonder how's the interest from the underground Metal media before release? Now you should begin to receive reviews... Are feedbacks nicely putrid and juicy? What were the weirdest things you read about " Centuries of Decadence " ?
Things have been great man. It's great to see that despite being such a new band our music has reached really far already and things are only getting better. There's people from all over the world that keep discovering our music and have good things to say about it. The reviews have just started coming in we're really happy with the what people think of the music. We made the music only to please ourselves but it's great that people have been enjoying it as well.

GODLESS, " Centuries of Decadence " is an album that grazes perfection in terms of brand of death metal upon the unsuspecting masses, fuelled by angst, purpose and an undying passion for extreme music may still be known characters from the musical " Centuries of Decadence ", I See Joe Haley of Psycroptic Behind this " Centuries of Decadence " Recording fame has mixed and mastered the album, in addition to doing a guest solo on this debut album which holds great promise, Are You Satisfied with His Jobs?
Totally man. We were blown away by his production on our EP. He really made it sound huge and bring out the whole effect of the songs. He's laid down a face melting solo on our song Ossuary as well. He's a brilliant musician and engineer and we're hugely inspired by his band Psycroptic as well.

An excellent album that should be heard. If you really consider yourself a metalhead, give this band a try. and how the process of making this new material? whether all members are involved in every writing music?
The whole band is definitely a part of the process even if they don't write the songs or structures themselves. We start of with a few riffs and try and flow from there and see what can be added to the song. We then jam with drums and try and add and modify the riffs at jam. Since our vocalist lives in a different city we then record a rough version of the song and he works on his lyrics and vocal structures.

What is the special thing with GODLESS It’s Crushing, Aggressive and Groove-laden Soundscapes Death Metal Stuff ? How much material overdubbing and harmonization do you do in the studio? Is layering a necessity for the GODLESS formula to work properly?
We didn't want to create an overproduced and overpolished album. We wanted to keep things organic so everything is pretty much similar to how our live set is. The vocals are single tracked except for maybe a line here and there in a song. The harmonized guitars and the guitar drones are pretty much how we do it live as well.

What do you think Death Metal could develop Better in the current Culture India Culture and Later?
The death metal scene in India is pretty solid right now. There's lots of bands within the country and even big international bands that come down to India. The scene is definitely strong. The bands need the local crowd to support them and I'm sure things will only get better.

and what if you compare with 10 years earlier?
The scene has come a long way since then. There are a lot more bands now and bands are taking things seriously and the level of professionalism has improved tremendously. Back there there were barely a handful of bands that had recorded anything at all. Now there's plenty of bands with some seriously good albums and some Indian bands have been touring across the world and really pushing the Indian scene to a new level.

Where do you think or where do you want GODLESS to be 10 years from now?
Our aim is to continue writing music and playing live. We hope to have a few album under our belt over the next 10 years and hope to be touring across the world on a regular basis.

Overall, it's time to come to an end now. Hope you enjoyed this interview? Thanks for answering my questions and the time you spend on them. I hope I didn't forget anything? If there's something left to say at the end feel free to use this opportunity now. You can add what you wish, I let you conclude all last word this Interview !
Definitely did man. Thanks for having us. Check out our music and if you like it you can support the band by buying a CD and a Tshirt - https://transcendingobscurityindia.bandcamp.com/album/centuries-of-decadence-death-metal

GODLESS Official Band Information

ALSO CHECK GODLESS " Century Of Decadence " LOSTINCHAOS (Click Cover to read)


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